Thursday, 20 December 2012

Oracle Sample Paper

Attention to Detail Section

   It is designed to test your ability to adhere to detail within a large volume of information. For the following ten questions you will be presented with one table of information as well as a line of information from that table. Using the table, identify if the line of information presented is correct or not. You will have 5 minutes to complete the 10 questions in this section.

Question Number 1
Based on the data in the following table, answer the question below it.

The correct details for the customer “Spalding, Raul” are __________.
a. 5472389062227320 02-22-1957
b. 5472389062277320 02-22-1957
c. 5472389062227320 02-12-1957
d. 5472389062227320 02-12-1957

Question Number 2
Based on the data in the following table, answer the question below it.

The correct details for the customer “Babineaux, Irene” are __________.
a. 4716571052065570 05-01-1943
b. 4716571052066750 05-01-1943
c. 4716571052066570 05-01-1943
d. 4716571025066570 05-01-1943

Question Number 3
Based on the data in the following table, answer the question below it.

Which one of the following credit card numbers is NOT correct?
a. 5579561306667210
b. 4539647820427910
c. 5542767610564400
d. 5220532332594710

Question Number 4
Based on the data in the following table, answer the question below it.

The correct Credit Card # of the customer “Reedy, Oscar’ is __________.
a. 5396900110546170
b. 5396901110546170
c. 5396900100546170
d. 5396900110546710

Question Number 5
Based on the data in the following table, answer the question below it.

Which one of the following is the incorrect combination of Part Number and Part Name in the table?
a. Killer Jeans Ladies Stretchable Blue Size 38 & 154-SDE-PLKD44-562EE/62
b. Denim Jeans Gents Black Size 40 & 265-GVB-TLPK15-486ED/23
c. Arrow Shirt Cotton – checks – Black – NS- Size-42 & 154-FKG-PDLS33-614KF/12
d. Arrow Shirt Cotton – sleeves – Red stripes Size-42 & 451-SSR-DLPS63-263AR/65

Question Number 6
Based on the data in the following table, answer the question below it.

The correct Credit Card # of the customer “Davis, John” is __________.
a. 5216861855968070
b. 5216861859986070
c. 5216868159968070
d. 5216861859968070

Question Number 7
Based on the data in the following table, answer the question below it.

Which one of the following is the incorrect combination of Part Number and Part Name in the table?
a. Killer Jeans Gents – Black – washable -size –38 & 456-RFG-MKMK-41365PL/18
b. Denim Jeans Gents Black Size 42 & 125-LKJ-LKFH22-265HJ/45
c. Killer Jeans Gents – Brown – washable -size –38 & 510-RTR-GJIN96-850OG/13
d. Arrow Shirt Cotton – sleeves – Red stripes Size-42 & 231-PLK-SEHT96-236AS/62

Question Number 8
Based on the data in the following table, answer the question below it.

The correct Credit Card # of the customer “Sanderson, Thomas’ is __________.
a. 5307010711456380
b. 5307010711456830
c. 5307010714456830
d. 5307010711458630

Question Number 9
Based on the data in the following table, answer the question below it.

Which one of the following details is NOT correct?
a. Edith Thompson 1622 Cottrill Lane, St. Louis, MO, 63101
b. Barry Newman 4233 Turkey Pen Road, New York, NY, 10016
c. Barbara Richart 2281 Valley Drive, Philadelphia, PA, 11908
d. Jessica Pope 4755 Pearcy Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN, 46809

Question Number 10
Based on the data in the following table, answer the question below it.

Which one of the following credit card numbers is NOT correct?
a. 5112430301519640
b. 4539598014493230
c. 5258619724511650
d. 5329289732116850

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