Placement Paper
1.Thirty days are in September, April, June and November. Some months are of thirty one days. A month is chosen at random. Then its probability of having exactly three days less than maximum of 31 is
A)laddu is not eaten on Monday
B)if jamun is eaten on Monday, then laddu must be eaten on Friday
C)if laddu is eaten on Tuesday, kulfi must be eaten on Monday
D)if peda is eaten the day following the day of eating jalebi
Based on the above, peda can be eaten on any day except??
a) Tuesday b)Monday c)Wednesday d)Friday
3. if the equation A+B+C+D+E=FG is the two digit number whose value is 10F+G and the letters A,B,C,D,E,F and G each represent different digits. If FG is as large as possible, what is the value of G? a)4 b)5 c)1 d)3
4. a farmer has a rose garden. Every day he either plucks 7or6or24or 23 roses. The rose plant are intelligent and when the farmer plucks these no. of roses, the next day 37 or 36 or 9 or 18 new roses bloom up in the garden respectively. On Monday he counts 189 roses, he plucks the roses as per his plan on consequtive days and new roses bloom up as per the intelligence of the plants mentioned above. After some days which of the following can be the number of roses in the garden?
a)4 b)37 c)7 d)30
5. at the end of 1994, rohit was half as old as his grandfather. The sum of the years in which they were born in 3844. How old rohit was at end of 1999?
6. raj writes a number. He sees that the first no of 2digits exceeds 4times the sum of its digits by 3. If the number is increased by 18, the result is the same as the number formed by reversing its digits. Find the number
a) 35 b)57 c)42 d)49
7. when numbers are written in base b, we have 12x25=333. The value of b is
a)6 b)8 c)7 d)none of these
8. Father is 5 times efficient then son. and can do work in 40 days earlier. in how many days they can do work together?
9. a container B has twice capacity of A. container A is half filled with wine. container B is one fourth filled with wine. remaining portion is added with water in each container. then they are evacuated in to a third container which could hold the above capacity. find the ratio of wine to volume of last container?
10. A travels at 40kmph. B travels at 60kmph. They are travelling towards each other. BY the time they meet ,B would have travelled 120 km more than A. Find the total distance.
11. if 1998 = 27, then find out 2997 = ? . if the answer lies in the range 2990
12. 0,1,2,3 use these numbers for 4digit numbers and find the sum?
13. 10 years ago 10 people age was33. After 3 years a person of age 40 dies. After another 3 years anothe person of 40years dies.After another 3 years another person of 27years dies. Find the present average age?
14. the value of a scooter depreciates in such a way that at the end of each year, is ¾ of its value at the beginning of same year. If the initial value of the scooter is rs40,000. What is the value at the end of
24. for which of the following n is the number 274 +22058+22n is a perfect square?
a)2012 b)2100 c)2011 d)2010
25. the marked price of coat was 40%less than the suggested retail price. Eesha purchased the coat for
half of the marked price at the 15th anniversary sale. What percent less than the suggested retail price did
eesha pay?
a)60% b)20% c)70% d)30%
26. the addition of 641+852+973=2456 is incorrect. What is the largest digit that can be changed to make the addition correct?
a)5 b)6 c)4 d)7
27. if x^y denotes X raised to the power y. find the last two digits of (1941^3781) * (1961^4181)
a) 12 b)22 c)42 d)44
28. (1!+2!+3!.........+50!)is divided by 5 then what wil b the remainder
29. g and m can paint 720 box in 20 days,m and h in 24 days and h andg in 15 days.g works for 4 days,m for 8 days,h for 8 days.find total no of boxes painted by them?
30. a merchant buys 20kg of wheat at 30rs/kg and 40k at 25rs/kg.he mixes and sells 1/3 rd of mixture at 26rs/kg.price at whch merchant should sell remaining mixture so that a profit of 25% on whole outlay is?
31. What does the hexa-number E78 in radix 7?
A. 12455 B. 14153 C. 14256 D. 13541
31. A batsman makes a score of 87 runs in the 17th inning and thus increases his average by 3 . Find his
average after 17th inning.
A. 39 B. 38 C. 38.5 D. 39.
32. The average of ten numbers is 7. If each number is multiplied by 12; then the average of new set of
numbers is?
A 7 B. 19 C. 82 D. 84
33. The average of six numbers is 30.If the average of first four is 25 and that of last three is 35, the fourth
number is?
A. 25 B. 30 C.35 D.40
34. in 1998,ratio of no students taking xam in x,y,z states are year no of students inc by 20%,10%,20%.if ratio of no students in state x and z is 1:2.find num of students who sit in xam in 1998?
35. if the circumference of the circle in increased by 50% then its area will be increased by how many sq.cms?
36. if the average of terms of the given series 148,146,144,142, 125,then find the total number of tems in series
37. an elevator starts with 5 passengers and stops at different floors of house.find out probability of all 5 passengers alighting at different floors?
38. train travelling at 90km/hr crosses goods train at 50km/hr in opposite direction completely in 50 long it takes train to overtake same goods train,if travellling in same direction?
39. mr. roy has found old bills that shows that he has bought 10 hen's for rs. _67.92_. the first and last digit was missing what was the cost of each hen?
42. num when divided by 5,2,3 successively in order to get remainder 0,1,2.what is remainder of same num when divided by 2,3,5 successively?
43. A puts a share of 1/3, B puts a share of 1/2 and remaing share is put by c, and start a business there a toatal profit is rs. 4800. What is the share of A?
44. For every positive integer n,form the number n/s(n),where s(n) is the sum of the digits of n in base 10.what is the minimum value of n/s(n) for 10
45. The ticket to Disneyland will cost anywhere from 1p to 63p.You need to produce the exact change as the ticket counter and have with you a 63p coin.So you decide to break this into change but you want to carry with you as few coins as possible. Assuming that coins of all denominations are available,how many coins(denominations) would you split the 63 p into?
46. Find the missing number.
18 27 75 41 60 19 45 45 ?
47. Fox jeans regularly sell for $15 a pair and Pony jeans regularly sell for $18 a pair. The rates of sales of both the types of jeans remain in a uniform relation over the period of time. During a sale these regular unit prices are discounted at different rates so that a total of $9 is saved by purchasing 5 pairs of jeans: 3 pairs of Fox jeans and 2 pairs of Pony jeans. If the sum of the two discounts rates is 22 percent, what is the discount rate on Pony jeans?
48. A merchant buys two dolls voodoo and hopi kachinafor Rs.600. With a doll-based script hitting the silver screen at that time, the hopi kachino types of dolls became obnoxious among kids while voodoo dolls gained much hype. Due to this, behind scene logics, He sells voodoo doll at a profit of 22% and the other at a loss of 8% and makes no profit or loss in the end. What is the selling price of the hopi kachina doll ?
49. If 3y + x > 2 and x + 2y≤3, What can be said about the value of y?
A. y = -1 B. y >-1 C. y
50. A merchant buys two dolls voodoo and hopi kachino for rs 600 .with a doll based script hitting the silver screen at that tym hopi kachino type of dolls bcom obnoxious amooung kids while voodoo dolls gained much hype.Due to behind scene logics he sells voodoo dolls at a profit of 22% and the other at a loss of 8%,makes no loss or profit.what is d selling price of hopi kachino doll?
51. Mr. Decimal enters a lucky draw that requires him to pick five different integers from 1 through 37 inclusive. He chooses his five numbers in such a way that the sum of their logarithms to base 10 is an integer. It turns out that the winning 5 numbers have the same property, i.e. the sum of their logarithms to base10 is also an integer. What is the probability that Mr. Decimal holds the winning numbers?
52. The maximum possible value of (5^x - 25^x) over all real values of x is
a.0 b.1/2 c.1 d.1/4 infinity
53. Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B is 2/3rd of the sum of 6% of A
and 8% of B. Find the ratio of A : B.
a) 4/3 b) 3/ 4 c) 1 d) 2/3
54. A and B travel from there house on MR road... blaa blaa...
speed of A = 20km/hr. Speed Of B= 40km/hr
For 'A' after travelling for 2hours 'A' encounters a T junctions and he takes left from the junctions and travels for another two our... where as 'B' after reaching same junction takes right. both 'A' and 'B' travels travel for equal time. what is the difference between the two A and B in km after completion of four hours of their journey each respectively...
55. Three groups :: x1,x2,x3
A,b common to all three. Then at least 1 element common to 2 ie x1,x2,x2,x3,x3,x1. Find minimum elements in each group
56. Initial price =40,000. It reduces 3/4 of previous years price every year what is the price after 3 years.
57. There are 3 groups A,B,C
2 members belong to all the three
3 members belong to A&B
3 members belong to B&C
3 members belong to C& A
minimum possible number of members in any three.
58. A lady has five gloves and hats in her closet-18 blue,32 red and 25 yellow.
The lights are out and its totally dark inspite of the darkness.She can make out the difference between a hat and a glove.She takes out an item out of the closet only if she is sure that if its a glove.How many gloves must she take out to make sure she has a pair of each colour?plz explain properly.
59. 28a + 30 b +31c= 365 find a+b+c if a.b.c are natural numbers.
60. A home has a relatively large rectangular tank and smaller cube-shaped tanks that can store water. The choices between above two types are made based on the needs of the day. Whenever, rectangular tank is to be cleaned, the water can be transferred into cube shaped tanks. On a certain day, the rectangular tank of dimensions 10" by 8" by 4" is filled with water. If all of the water is to be transferred to cube-shaped tanks, each one 3 inches on a side, how many of this cube shaped tanks are needed?
61. Tom, Dick and Harry went for lunch to a multi-cuisine restaurant. Tom had $100 with him, Dick had $60 and Harry had $409. Tom preferred continental, While Harry chosen Chinese. Dick opted to mughlai cuisine. Continental and Chinese types of items tasted good than that of mughlai. Despite, variations in ordering, they called for a single bill. They got a bill for $104 and decided to give a tip of $16. They further decided to share the total expenses in the ratio of the amounts of money each carried. The amount of money which Tom paid more than what Harry paid is
62. IN THIS SEQUENCE 1 22 333 4444 11 2222 333333 44444444 111 222222 ........... what is 2926th term???
63. You are locked inside a room with 6 doors - A, B, C, D, E, F. Out of which 3 are Entrances only and 3 are Exits only. One person came in through door F and two minutes later second person came in through door A. He said, "You will be set free, if you pass through all 6 doors, each door once only and in correct order. Also, door A must be followed by door B or E, door B by C or E, door C by D or F, door D by A or F, door E by B or D and door F by C or D." After saying that they both left through door B and unlocked all doors. In which order must you pass through the doors?
64. Four friends - Arjan, Bhuvan, Guran and Lakha were comparing the number of sheep that they owned. It was found that Guran had ten more sheep than Lakha. If Arjan gave one-third to Bhuvan, and Bhuvan gave a quarter of what he then held to Guran, who then passed on a fifth of his holding to Lakha, they would all have an equal number of sheep. How many sheep did each of them possess? Give the minimal possible answer.
(A) 80,50,55,45 (B) 90,50,55,45 (C) 90,40,55,45(D) 90,50,50,45
65. Anand, Babu, Charlie, Dhanush, and Eesha recently found out
that all of their birthdays were on the same day, Though they were born in different years
On their birthday, they were chatting about their ages
- Dhanush said to Babu “I am nine years older than Eeshaâ€
- Eesha said to Babu “I am seven years older than Anandâ€
- Babu said to Charlie “Eesha is younger than youâ€
- Anand Said to Babu “ Your age is exactly 70% greater than my ageâ€
- Charlie said to Dhanush “The difference between our ages is six yearsâ€
- Charlie said to Anand “I am ten years older than youâ€
- Charlie said to Anand “Babu is younger than Dhanushâ€
- Babu said to Charlie “The difference between your age and Dhanush’s is the same as the difference between Dhanush’s and Eesha’sâ€
They were not telling the truth, When each one of them spoke to someone older, everything they said was true, But, when speaking to someone younger, everything they said was false. How old was Eesha?
o 30 o 37 o 55 o 51
66. Find the 100th term of the following series - 3,6,12,21,33,48...
67. Find the 100th term of the following series - 2,4,8,14,22,32...
68. what is maximum no. of point of intersection of graph of 2 different cubic polynomial function with leading coefficient equal to 1
a.)2 b.)3 c.)9 d.)6
69. IN THIS SEQUENCE 1 22 333 4444 11 2222 333333 44444444 111 222222 ........... what is 2926th term???
70. There is a school were 60% are girls and 35% of the girls are poor.
Students are selected at random, what is the probability of selecting a poor girl out of total strength.
71. In a circular track of length 100m..g m n k start togethr,g n m start in d same directn at speeds 10 n 8m/s..h runs in opp directn at 15m/s..when will all 3 meet for first time?
72. There are some chocolates. A woman can eat 3chocolates and a man can eat 1 chocolate and a child can eat half chocolate. then 20 chocolates is divided in...
73. Amy spends 70% of her income on household expenditure, 60% of the remaining on the education of her children and then 40% of the remaining is given to her old mother. Finally, she has US $576 in her
hand. Her salary is a. US $6000 b. US $8000 c. US $9000 d. US $10000
74. In how many ways we can get a sum greater than 15 by throwing 5 distinct dice.
75. Megha drives along the perimeter of square field of side 10kms.She drives along the first side at 10kmph.along second side 20 kmph along 3rd side 30kmph and along the forth side at 40 kmph Her
avearse speed is ?
19.2kmph , 18kmp, 30kmph, 20kmph
76. 1,7,8,49,50,56,57,343,344,350,351,392,393,399,400……
The above sequence contains su m of distinct power of 7 in increasing order(7^0,7^1,7^1+7^0,7^2
etc.)What is value of term number 38 ?
16863, 16864, 17150, 16857
77. Ten people form a circle.Each one think of a number and whisper it to the two neighbors adjacent to
her in the circle.Then each person computes and announces the average of the numbers sher heard from
her two neighbors.The number announced by the person are 44,12,23,27,40,46,56,61,69,36.What was
number picked by person who announced the avg 56???
64, 56, 18, 14
78. In family of Five persons A,B,C,D and E.Everyone loves one another.Their Birthdays are in different
months and different dates. A rembers that his birthday is between 25th and 30th,of B it is between 20th
and 25yh,of C it is between 10th and 20th,of D it is between 5th and 10th of E it is between 1st to 5th of
the month.The sum of date of birth is defined as the addition of date and month,for example 12th jan will
be written as 12/1 and will add to sum of the date of 13.(Betwwen 25th and 30th includes both 25 and
30).What may be the max avg of their sum of the birthdate???
28, 15.2, 32, 24.6
79. A cine multiplex MNOX has 3 screens. Cinema1, Cinema2, Cinema3. The multiplex prints 3 sets of tickets for September and three sets of tickets for October. One set for each its cinema for two months. The company tickets are printed in a consistent manner with the following conditions.
1. Each of the six sets of tickets is exactly one of the following colors: Green, blue, red and white
2. For each cinema, the September tickets are different in color than the October tickets.
3. For each month, tickets for different cinemas are in different colors.
4. Exactly one set of September is red.
5. For cinema 3, either the September tickets or the October tickets , but not both are green.
6. The September tickets for cinema 2 are blue.
7. No October tickets are blue.
If the cinema 3 tickets for September are red, then which one of the following statements must be true?
80. 1.1941^3483 + 1961^4181= find out the last 2 digits
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