India became an
independent nation on August 15, 1947, since that day we all celebrate this day as our Independence day. This is day is considered as National holiday.This is our 65th year of Independence.
How the day is celebrated?
India's prime minister unfurls India's flag and holds a speech at the
Red Fort in Old Dehli. Flag hoisting ceremonies and cultural programs
are held in the state capitals and often involve many schools and
organizations.Many people spend the day with family members or close friends. They
may eat a picnic in a park or private garden, go to a film or eat lunch
or dinner at home or in a restaurant. Other people go kite flying or
sing or listen to patriotic songs.Citizens rejoice the day by displaying the national flag on their
attire, household accessories, vehicles; varied activities such as kite
flying, bonding with family and friends, and enjoying patriotic songs
and films are seen.

In 1946, the Labour government in Britain, exhausted by the recently concluded World War II, and conscious that it had neither the mandate at home, the international support, nor the reliability of native forces for continuing to control an increasingly restless Indiadecided to end British rule of India. In February 1947, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Clement Attlee announced that the British government would grant full self-governance to British India by June 1948 at the latest. With the British army unprepared for the potential for increased violence, the new viceroy, Louis Mountbatten, advanced the date for the transfer of power, allowing less than seven months for a mutually agreed plan for independence.The British government announced on 3 June 1947 that the principle of partition of India was accepted by the British government, the successor governments would be given dominion status and would have an implicit right to secede from the British Commonwealth.
Viceroy Mountbatten chose 15 August as the date of power transfer; he
chose this date as this was the second anniversary of Japan's surrender
in the World War II
India was once under the rule of British empire.But India became Independent with a bloody partition of India and Pakistan.
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